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join(collection, jt)

Method javax.persistence.criteria.From CollectionJoin<X,Y> join( CollectionAttribute<?,Y> collection, JoinType jt ) Create a join to the specified Collection-valued attribute using the given join type. Parameters: collection - target of the join jt - join type Returns: the resulting join Since: JPA 2.0

join(set, jt)

Method javax.persistence.criteria.From SetJoin<X,Y> join( SetAttribute<?,Y> set, JoinType jt ) Create a join to the specified Set-valued attribute using the given join type. Parameters: set - target of the join jt - join type Returns: the resulting join Since: JPA 2.0

join(list, jt)

Method javax.persistence.criteria.From ListJoin<X,Y> join( ListAttribute<?,Y> list, JoinType jt ) Create a join to the specified List-valued attribute using the given join type. Parameters: list - target of the join jt - join type Returns: the resulting join Since: JPA 2.0

join(map, jt)

Method javax.persistence.criteria.From MapJoin<X,K,V> join( MapAttribute<?,K,V> map, JoinType jt ) Create a join to the specified Map-valued attribute using the given join type. Parameters: map - target of the join jt - join type Returns: the resulting join Since: JPA 2.0


Method javax.persistence.criteria.From Join<X,Y> join( SingularAttribute<?,Y> attribute ) Create an inner join to the specified single-valued attribute. Parameters: attribute - target of the join Returns: the resulting join Since: JPA 2.0


Method javax.persistence.criteria.From Join<X,Y> join( String attributeName ) Create an inner join to the specified attribute. Parameters: attributeName - name of the attribute for the target of the join Returns: the resulting join Throws: IllegalArgumentException - if attribute of the given name does not exist Since: JPA 2.0


Method javax.persistence.criteria.From MapJoin<X,K,V> join( MapAttribute<?,K,V> map ) Create an inner join to the specified Map-valued attribute. Parameters: map - target of the join Returns: the resulting join Since: JPA 2.0


Method javax.persistence.criteria.From SetJoin<X,Y> join( SetAttribute<?,Y> set ) Create an inner join to the specified Set-valued attribute. Parameters: set - target of the join Returns: the resulting join Since: JPA 2.0


Annotation Element javax.jdo.annotations.Joins Join[] value The join definitions used for the mapping of this type. Joins for secondary tables are usually defined at the type level and not the field or property level. This allows multiple fields and properties to share the same join definition


Annotation Element javax.jdo.annotations.Join Column[] columns Detail definition of the join column(s). This is needed for more than one join column. Returns: the join columns Default value: {} Since: JDO 2.1

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